WARNING: This course will change your life!
Belong. Believe. Become.
Find your why. Live on purpose. Make a difference to your generation.
Have you got lived experience that could make a difference to your peers or the life of children & teenagers?
Would you like to find out what YOUTH WORK is all about to pursue as a career ?
There are numerous progression opportunities that come from volunteering & attaining a youth work qualification & experience...everything from mentoring to sports coaching to working in a school, or going on to pursue a career in youth justice etc.
The LAB is an innovative & inspiring Introduction to YOUTHWORK course - a L1 certificate for young people / young adults aged 16-24 years.
The course is an inspirational combination of classroom learning & practical youth work placements facilitated by the SOT youth collective movement culminating in a graduation event with special guests.

The course will include: ​
Finding your Why
Introduction to youth-work
Youth Culture
Understanding the teenage Brain
Safeguarding & pastoral care
Creative engagement
Managing challenging behaviour
Gangs & County Lines
Human / child trafficking
Child sexual development
Youth Justice
Trauma informed practice