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We believe in the potential of young people. #UNPACKINGTALENT
We believe in the voice of young people to shape their world. #SHAPEYOURGEN. 

We believe in improving life chances for young people who are experiencing disadvantage through improving self-worth, self-perception and raising aspiration. #LIFEGOALS

We believe that every individual has the ‘power to change’. #ONESTEPATATIME

We believe in challenging youth culture that tells young people ‘They are what they own, what they wear & how they behave’. #DISRUPTERS

We believe in psychologically informed environments. #VISUALGENERATION

We believe we can make a difference to poverty & disadvantage through practical support & intentional kindness #LOVEWINSOUT

We believe in a positive mindset - focusing on what we CAN DO not what WE CAN’T. #ICANCULTURE

We believe in asset-based thinking – focusing on ‘what we HAVE GOT’, not what we haven't got. #POSITIVEPOSSIBILITIES 

We believe in transformation through OPPORTUNITY & PURPOSE. #PURPOSEDRIVENLIFE

We believe in & support the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral, cultural, & social development of young people. #INSIDE OUT.

We believe in individual value, dignity, significance & belonging. #YOUTHMATTER

We believe in 'collaborative' working which is key to impactful & effective work with young people. #UNITEDSTRENGTHISSTRONGER

We believe in authentic partnership & generous leadership, giving value to other’s opinions, experiences & skills. #SYNERGY

We believe in our city (Stoke-on-Trent) and promoting positive, ethical, & strong relational multi-agency connections. #UNITYINTHECOMMUNITY



07812 774 632



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